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How to Use Black Cumin Seed: 9 Health Benefits of this Ancient Remedy

How to Use Black Cumin Seed: 9 Health Benefits of this Ancient Remedy

How to use Black Cumin Seed


In the search for happiness and longevity, Man has always sought natural remedies to address different health concerns. One of the hidden gems from antiquity is Black Cumin (Nigella sativa), a little but potent seed that has been used for centuries across civilizations for its remarkable mending properties. From ancient civilizations to ultramodern times, this article will explore How to Use Black Cumin Seed and its health benefits

How to Use Black Cumin Seed: 9 Health Benefits of this Ancient Remedy


Black Cumin, also known as Nigella sativa or black cumin, holds a prominent place in history, boasting a rich heritage that spans over 3,000 years. Its use can be drawn back to antique Egypt, where it was allegedly found in the tomb of King Tutankhamun, believed to have been placed there to aid him in the afterlife. Egyptian queens Cleopatra and Nefertiti were known to integrate Black Cumin into their beauty and health treatments, they also knew how to use black cumin seed to boost their strength.

The medicinal features of Black Cumin did not remain confined not only to Egypt but also to the ancient Greeks, Romans, and Islamic scholars also recognized its therapeutic potential and mentioned it in their texts. Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) described the Black Cumin Seed as a remedy for several ailments, earning it the title "Habbat al Barakah" or the "Blessed Seed."

It was described that ‘Usman bin ‘Abdul-Malik said- “I heard Salim bin ‘Abdullah describing from his father that the Messenger of Allah (ï·º) said:-“You should eat this black cumin seed, for in it there is medicinal from every disease, except the Sam (death) “

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Black Cumin seed its a diverse range of health benefits because of its rich composition of active compounds. It is plentiful in essential fatty acids, particularly omega-3 and omega-6, which contribute to cardiovascular health and overall well-being. Also, the seed covers thymoquinone, a powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compound that is considered one of its key healing agents.

Multitudinous scientific studies have explored the prospective health benefits of Black Cumin. These studies have emphasized its ability to support the immune system, promote digestive health, and fight oxidative stress. Also, Black Cumin seed  has shown pledge in managing blood sugar situations, supporting respiratory health, and perfecting skin conditions, making it a comprehensive natural remedy for a wide range of health concerns

Nutritional Facts 

Serving quantity 1 tbsp cumin seed

(Data source: URMC / Encyclopedia / Nutrition Facts)

  • Protein- 1.07 (g)
  • Total lipid (fat)- 1.34 (g)
  • Carbohydrate, by difference- 2.65 (g)
  • Energy – 22.5 (kcal)
  • Fiber, total dietary-0.63 (g)
  • Calcium, Ca- 55.86 (mg)
  • Iron, Fe- 3.98 (mg)
  • Magnesium, Mg- 21.96 (mg)
  • Phosphorus, P- 29.94  (mg)
  • Potassium, K – 107.28 (mg)
  • Sodium, Na 10.08  (mg)
  • Vitamin A, IU – 76.2(IU)
  • Vitamin E (alpha-tocopherol)-0.2 (mg)
  • Vitamin K (phylloquinone)- 0.32 (mcg)
  • Cholesterol -0(mg)

Top 9 Benefits of Black Cumin Seed 

  1. Immune System Support: Black Cumin Seed's immunomodulatory effects can help strengthen the body's defense mechanisms and protect against infections and diseases.
  2. Respiratory Health: The black cumin seed's anti-inflammatory properties make it helpful for respiratory issues, like asthma and allergies.
  3. Digestive Wellness: Black Cumin Seed can relieve digestion, improve bloating, and care for a healthy gut microbiome.
  4. Diabetes Supervision: Specific studies advise that Black Cumin  Seed may support and regulate blood sugar levels and the development of insulin sensitivity.
  5. Skin Health: The Black cumin seed's anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties can help manage skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis.
  6. Cardiac Health: Black Cumin Seed may contribute to heart health by plummeting cholesterol levels and supporting blood pressure regulation.
  7. Liver health: Specific studies advise that Black Cumin  Seed may help to protect the liver from damage and support its function.
  8. Libido development: Specific studies guide that Black Cumin  Seed may help to enhance libido or sexual desire.
  9. Sexual stamina and endurance: Some traditional practices use black cumin seeds to increase sexual stamina and endurance, helping persons perform better during sexual activities

How to Use Black Cumin Seed

You should know how to use black cumin seed properly for your life, here are 10 ways to use this ancient natural remedy

  1. Add Cooking: Add black cumin seeds to your cooking. Sprinkling them on salads, soups, or yogurt for a nutty and peppery flavor.
  2. Tea Infusion: Make a soothing tea by steeping black cumin seeds in hot water. Add honey or lemon 
  3. Oil Infusion: Create black cumin seed oil by infusing the seeds in a carrier oil (like olive or coconut oil). Use this oil for cooking or as a salad dressing.
  4. Spice Blend: Grind black cumin seeds and mix with other spices to create a unique spice blend. Use it to season meats, vegetables, or rice dishes.
  5. Bread Topping: Sprinkle black cumin seeds on top of bread or flatbreads before baking for added flavor and a nutritional boost.
  6. Health Tonic: Mix black cumin seeds with honey or warm water to create a health tonic. Consume this mixture regularly for potential health benefits.
  7. Face Mask: Combine black cumin seed oil with other natural ingredients like yogurt or honey to make a face mask. Apply it for skin nourishment.
  8. Hair Treatment: Massage black cumin seed oil into your scalp to promote hair health. Leave it for a while before washing.
  9. Steam Inhalation: Inhale steam infused with black cumin seeds to help with respiratory issues. Boil the seeds in water and breathe in the steam.
  10. Supplement Form: Consider taking black cumin seed supplements, available in oil or capsule form, after consulting with a healthcare professional for proper dosage and advice.

 Side effects of black cumin seeds 

  • Gastrointestinal issues:  Some people may observe digestive discomfort after consuming black cumin seeds, similar to an uneasy stomach, bloating, or diarrhea.
  • Antipathetic responses:  Black cumin seeds can spark antipathetic responses in some individualities, leading to symptoms like skin rashes, itching, swelling, or difficulty breathing.
  • Low blood pressure issues: Black cumin seeds may have a mild blood pressure-lowering effect, which could be a concern for those before taking specifics for hypertension.
  • Prospective bad effects during pregnancy and breastfeeding: Pregnant and breastfeeding women should avoid black cumin seeds or seek medical advice before using them, as their safety during these periods is not well-established.

It's essential to the flashback that individual responses to supplements can vary, and some people may witness different responses or side goods than others. However, it's always good to consult with a good healthcare professional to determine if it's safe or applicable to your specific health requirements and conditions. If you are considering using black cumin seed or any other herbal supplement.


The ancient remedy of Black Cumin continues to astonish modern science with its wealth of potential health benefits. Its historical significance and time-tested use across cultures lend credibility to its therapeutic properties. While it is not a magical cure-all, incorporating Black Cumin into a balanced and healthy lifestyle may offer various advantages for overall well-being. If you know how to use black cumin seed properly it may be a powerful remedy for you.

Reference links

 Photo Credit: Wikimedia Commons

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